Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Serious Monkey Business

Augh, I should just quit  trying to title my posts. It probably doesn't help that it's 4am. ANYWAY here's the finished version plus progression shots of that monkey warrior guy I started the other day.
Mayan Monkey Warrior

Oh, and since it's Mayan-themed I should mention that he's actually one of these guys:
Golden Lion Tamarin

Monday, January 16, 2012

Skull practice

I plan to have one of my characters wear a skull mask of some sort... just not sure what animal's skull yet. Here's a bear skull for practice.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Just "Monkeying" Around 8D

Ugh, excuse the horrible pun, I couldn't think of anything but THAT title so I decided why fight it? In actuality this piece wasn't a "mess-around" doodle it is actually one of three major projects I'll be working on for my portfolio class this quarter. I'm hoping to create three original characters and take them all the way from the concept art stage all the way to 3-D animation. Anyway, here's a sneak peek at my Mayan Monkey Warrior.

Some stuff from here and there

A mermaid painting I revisited and finished today from 6months ago. Gonna use it for one of the images I plan to put on the back of my business cards :)

Some cute character concepts for like a kid's show :P
Um, this is fanart from Toy Story, inspired by a fanfic. Don't judge me lol.
Cillian Murphy HNNGG
Dunno if I'll finish this. I don't think this clean lineart/hard coloring this is my style.
I could see myself painting it more in the likes of my mermaid image above.

I love drawing arched backs?
Concepts for a possible zsculpt.
BEAVERTAUR.  "The top half of a beaver, combined with the bottom half of a beaver."

My friend said to make her into a cyborg narwhal queen.
I wanted to make a scary mermaid, but it just looks like a vampire with webbed hands and feet. Unfinished.
My character project for my ZBrush class at school.